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1、告诉我动词后面跟动词是加动词不定式还是动名词我主要是要知道那些固定搭配,而不是to do 和doing意思不同的动词有什么规律么2、高手请进The world’s popula...


我主要是要知道那些固定搭配,而不是to do 和doing意思不同的动词



The world’s population continues to grow. There now are about 4 billion of us on earth. That could reach 6 billion by the end of the century and 11 billion in a further 75 years. Experts have long been concerned about such a growth. Where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, school and health care for all these people?

A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the world’s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.

Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using birth control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nations, now support family planning programs to reduce population grow.

China is one of the nations that have made great progress in reducing its population growth. China has already cut its rate of population growth by about half since 1970.

Each Chinese family is now urged to have no more than one child. And the hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the total number of deaths by the year 2000.

Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths. Experts said that these nations could face a serious shortage of workers in the future. And the persons who are working could face much higher taxes to help support the growing number of retired people.

1. The world’s population could reach ____________.

a. 6 billion in 75 years

b. 11 billion in 2075

c. 11 billion by the end of this century

d. 600 million in 15 years

2. Which of the following is true?

a. The world’s birth rate is higher than ten years ago.

b. There has been a slower population growth in the past ten years.

c. Families are as large as before.

d. Birth control has been well practiced in all nations.

3. By the year 2000, the number of births and the number of deaths in China will _______.

a. be greatly different

b. drop a great deal

c. be equal

d. become much larger

4. According to the essay, China’s population control ________.

a. is not quite successful

b. should be considered a big success

c. is far from being successful

d. is a complete failure

5. It may happen in the future that the people who are working in Europe will have to pay much higher taxes because___________.

a. more and more children will be born

b. the number of retired people will become ever larger

c. fewer and fewer children will be born

d. they will be making a lot of money

3、泰国组合B-O-Y 是哪几个人


成员: Tengneung(队长)


是个心情开朗的帅哥,时常面带微笑,曾经荣获Dutchie Boy 2007的一等奖

真名:Kritsanagun Maneepagapun




所在地: Bangkok, 泰国

语言: 泰语

学历: -幼儿园到高中 幼儿园:KANLASIMA 中学:LACHASIMA 学校 现在:外国宗教学 曼谷

工作成绩: 曾荣获Dutchie Boy 2007比赛一等奖 BB & GG 2004 Mr.a star is bornd 2004 mr. Future Card 2006 等比赛的一等奖 美男评选和另一位选手获得第2名

兴趣爱好:唱歌.看电影 玩游戏


喜欢的音乐类型: POP, R&B, Hip Hop



喜爱的食物:什么都能吃 吃的简单,胖的也简单+-+

喜欢的艺人: - Super Junior - TongVfangXingQi ?- BigBanG - Girl Generation - Wonder Girl (??????? ???????? tell me**) 喜欢的歌曲: - AlwaY

喜欢的Album: - BiGbanG

喜欢的音乐录影带: - SnoW DreaM

最喜爱的电影 - Sad Movie - King And The Crown

最喜爱的电视节目 - "???????????" - ??????????????????? ???? 11.15 ?.-12.00 ?.

最喜爱的书籍 - ??????? ??????

座右铭: 把每一天都做得最好 好比是最后一天那样


泰国-法国的混血 爱好自由 整天充满着乐趣

真名:Leo Saussay


生日 1990.1.15



所在地: 泰国

语言:泰语 法语 英语

学历:高中毕业 等进大学

工作成绩:出书 引领时尚 电视剧 广告

兴趣爱好:特别喜欢弄头发 除了弄自己的,还帮朋友弄

喜欢的运动: 足球 网球(在初中时曾认真的打过网球)


最喜爱的书籍 - cheeze,knock knock



真名: Kitkasem McFadden

小名: James

生日: 1989.6.18

身高: 180cm

体重: 66cm

所在地: 泰国

语言:泰语 英语



擅长的体育运动: Rugby(英式橄榄球), Cricket(板球), Football(足球) 喜欢的音乐类型:Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop

喜欢的书刊:Mythology time One Piece, GTO

有过的作品:Focus Spray, Dutchie, Pan Cosmetic

Micky mouse(成员)


真名:Natcha Jantapan

小名: Micky mouse



所在地: nontaburi, 泰国

语言:泰语 英语

学历:ged 或者 美国的校外教育

工作成绩: Rising Star Dutchie Boy & Girl 2006 的职位 电视剧 《可爱坏新生》

兴趣爱好:喜欢读漫画 玩游戏 及锻炼身体


最喜爱的电影: G T O

最喜爱的书籍: FHM

梦想:想让有人能够唱他的歌曲 以及喜欢他所做的事情


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